When a porcupine is wounded or sick, it will look for herbs to eat in order heal itself.
As the healing progress, bezoar, or "stone" may form in the stomach.
This is the Porcupine Date.
The Porcupine Date grows in size in the stomach.
The larger ones have better medical value.
Only the Porcupine in the deep mountains and forests produced Porcupine Date.
In tradition, Porcupine Date had been used as medicine by hill tribes in Southern China and South-East Asia.
Ancient Chinese medical text had recorded the used of Porcupine Date.
It has function such as anti-inflammation, antioxidant, natural anti-body, immunization booster and body-detox.
It is now widely used by the South East Asia Chinese as an alternative medicine in the treatment for cancer, dengue fever, meningitis, herpes, throat infection, pneumonia, and others.
Dosage and Administration
Depends on the severity of the sickness, we recommend:
•Lightly ill (cold, fever) : Once per day
•Moderately ill (inflammation, pain) : Twice per day
•Severely ill (operation, cancer, influenza): Trice per day
•Children: 0.1g ~ 0.2g each time.
•Adult: 0.3g ~0.4g each time
The Porcupine Date powder is best administrated with an empty stomach.
You can either eat it directly or dissolve the powder in water and eat it.
It is also advisable to let the powder to stay in the mouth for a few minutes so that the medicine in the powder can be absorbed through the thin membrane in mouth directly into the blood stream.
豪猪又名箭猪,体大,体刑粗 ,体重达10千克左右,体长约650豪米。上身被有硬刺,四肢及腹部的短刺小而较软:臀部的刺最长,约300豪米;尾甚短,隐于臀部长刺,通体棕黑色。它还有一个非常肥胖的身躯和锐利的牙齿,鼠一般的嘴脸。豪猪为啮齿目动物。豪猪是一种分布很广的夜行性动物,它白天躲在洞里睡大觉,晚上则出来寻找食物。
箭猪枣Porcupine date
病例1,子宫瘤 -本人有个病人子宫肌瘤导致月经出血过多疼痛,贫血,全身乏力、面色苍白吃豪猪枣能帮助到病患者,一些手术后会容易觉得恶心、呕吐,可以在手术后吃豪猪枣改善体质。
病例2,尿道炎- 尿道炎严重者会出现四肢酸痛服用2至3分豪猪枣
病例3,咽喉感染- 严重者:如发炎,起泡,脖颈胀痛,建议吃豪猪枣(分量看病者的严重性)
病例14, 发高烧不退提早吃豪猪枣大概1~2分
病例17,乳癌 ,有位家庭主妇52岁左右检验到患有乳癌吃豪猪枣可以控制癌扩散到严重性,手术后也有服用大概3个星期 。另一位严重炎性乳腺癌,现在有吃着豪猪枣,病情已经有好转稳定,医生说大概有2年左右生存期,目前病人已经服用了9个月豪猪枣,目前人气色不错,精神奕奕。
“豪猪枣”的功能:主要是医治脑膜炎,骨痛热症,基孔肯雅蚊症。它对皮肤病和帮 助辅助伤口快速愈合,同时有清血解毒安神镇惊的功效。病人动手术时,若服用之, 也不会感觉头晕,脉象和心跳都会趋向稳定。
由于豪猪枣乃是矜贵之物,数量有限,而且豪猪枣也有真假之分,一般的民众是很难分辨它的真伪。 据行家透露,真的豪猪枣,它的外表仿如有一层细纹围绕,且触摸时感觉很柔软, 凑近一嗅兼有一股腥味扑鼻,而且它的味道带苦。 如果你想知道哪里可购买得到豪猪枣正品,
可以来电 DAVID HONG +6016-9513668
一) 粉枣:取自较强壮的豪猪。这些分泌物在豪猪体内经过一段较长的时间才形成。是品质最佳,价格最贵的。粉枣的颜色大部分呈红褐色,粉红色,巧克力色等。表面光滑,较实心,触摸时感觉较其他枣硬。有些粉枣横切观之似有一层层的细纹。它有浓郁的中草药的香气。味道甘苦即干多于苦。药疗的功效最佳。
二) 半粉枣:每只豪猪的体质有所差异,获取食物的环境中所含的草药性质也有所不同,不同的豪猪枣就如此形成。在外观,半粉枣的颜色呈红褐色,粉红,青褐色等。表面较粗糙且参有一些杂草枝物,触摸时有硬中带软的感觉,味道苦甘。药疗功效接近粉枣,价格较粉枣便宜。
三) 草枣:它的外观比以上两种豪猪枣更粗糙。颜色呈青褐色。杂有许多草状物,触摸时较于半粉枣,味道苦涩,可磨成粉药用。是枣中价格最便宜的,但医疗效果也很好。
癌症 :能助镇痛;化解化疗,电疗后的一些副作用;化痰排毒, 助使免疫细胞快速重生,控制,减轻病情。
肝病 :能快速清热解病毒,化脓消炎,提升免疫功能复原神速。
各种炎症 :具有非常高效率的解毒,排脓,消炎,活血,生肌,止痛功效。
其他 :对皮肤病,恶疮,心血管硬化,祛风,心气痛,胃痛等各种 病痛都有一定的疗效。
在保健方面,用于防癌,对工作熬夜,烟酒过量,工作压力大一族也相当适宜。随着人们生活水平的提高,对日常保健的重视,以至豪猪枣的需求量越来越迫 切,价格有涨没减。不知不觉,豪猪枣以成为时下稀有的名贵药品。
一些富裕人士更爱把它收藏当珍品防身,保值. 另者,这其中却以生长在婆罗州热带雨林的豪猪枣所出产的豪猪枣最为珍贵。 这里的豪猪所食的是全无污染且含药效很高的珍贵自然植物,因此这里出产的豪猪枣品质都是上上等的稀有珍品。
小孩份量 :0.1-0.2 g 成人份量 :0.3-0.4 g
服用方法 :
(一) 空腹,先喝水,然后将豪猪枣粉末含在口中缓缓吞下。 (二) 空腹,先喝水,将豪猪枣粉末倒在汤匙内加点水,以牙签搅匀即可服用。
朋友之中有人发生车祸,在康复期吃过丁点,一小包粉就二百元,但疗效存 在,伤口复原得很快。他的长辈说,生死关头,豪猪枣最好用! 另外朋友的朋友,因为一场大病,濒临死亡,频吃豪猪枣,花了五六十千, 结果就从死亡关绕回来。 他在回忆时说道:“我是真的到了死亡关头,人在迷迷糊糊之中来到一处烟雾 弥漫之所,类似电影情节, 一走进去就是向阳间说拜拜了,但最后就是靠吃 豪猪枣捡回命一条。” 九月,本地一份报章报道了一则《豪猪枣治蚊症》的新闻,现身说法的前行 动党秘书长郭金福。 郭氏曾在七月间患上骨痛热症,因为持续高烧不退多天,在邻人的建议下服 用豪猪枣。而他在服食一厘克后的一小时内,高烧退去,血小板也回升至正 常水平。 而关于豪猪枣治骨痛热症一事,记者早前已有听闻。相信这是民间公开的秘 方。问题是,豪猪枣的价格不菲,非一般平民大众吃得起。二是如何辨别真 假豪猪枣? 来自医药世家,年轻从事药材批发,过后又从事药材推销的关中铭医师,对 于豪猪枣的真假有一番看法:“真的豪猪枣,细心观看其外表似有一层层的细 纹围绕,且触摸起来柔软,假的则很硬。我曾听人说起,假的豪猪枣,是有 心人依照猪生病时所吃的草做成的,所以有人也称之为草枣。” 那到底豪猪枣是否就是结石?他的看法是:“有人说是结石,有人说是肿瘤。” 真假疗效又如何? “尽管是假的,但豪猪枣的清热力是不错的,尤其是身体发大热,全身血管出 血者吃了都可以退热。而真的豪猪枣,除了清热力,还可以化痰和解毒作用, 是一味上好的药。” 可惜的是,现今找真的豪猪枣是难上加难,一般药店都不售卖,因为担心买进 假货,让病人付出了昂贵的金钱,却得不到最好的疗效
每次怀孕,桂枝都想以自然分娩方式生下孩子,但是都不能如愿。第一胎是 子宫颈开口不足及羊水缺失,第二胎则是盘骨太小,无法顺产,结果让分娩 期仅隔1年的桂枝,再次承受开刀产子的痛楚。幸好,桂枝在分娩前后服食 了3分豪猪枣,结果伤口痊愈得很快,也没有像第一胎般痛苦难耐。 桂枝和丈夫从来没有想过这么快为家庭添第二个宝宝。她说,一般开刀生产 后,医生都会提醒孕妇,若下一胎也剖腹,最好相隔3年。 盘骨未开不能自然生产 “生了颖璇不久我又怀孕了。虽然是意料之外,但是大家都抱着既来之,则 安之的心态。这一次怀孕过程很顺利, 只是距离预产期的前两个周我的盘 骨还未开,因此医生不允许我自然生产。” 想到又要在同一个部位捱刀,桂枝不禁有点心寒。这时,她听人说产前或手 术前吃豪猪枣可以加速伤口复原,于是她在分娩前一天服食了一小分豪猪枣。 剖腹第二天早晨,桂枝因阵痛而下不了床,结果又吃了一分豪猪枣,不久她 就发现自己没有这么痛了。拆线前一天,桂枝再次服用一分豪猪枣,一周后 她上下床和弯腰已不是大问题。
摘自《光明日报 》,24.9.2008 (星期三)。
PORCUPINE DATEPorcupine Date is a type of stone-like substance found in a porcupine's body. Since a long time ago, it was recognized and used by the people for having the effect of "resurrecting" patients with terminal illness. It is known for saving lives of those patients at the brink of death. Contain high medicinal values.
Before we draw your attention to the value of the porcupine date, we must first get to know the porcupine that is rare.
Porcupines are animals covered with spikes. These mammals' habitat is the jungle. A porcupine has strong survival instincts and heals quickly whenever it is sick. This is related to its diet. Herbivores by nature, its favourite food are bitter-tasting plants' roots and branch. Since most bitter-tasting plants are sources of medicinal herbs, porcupine has an immune system that is strong against toxins and poisons. When it is injured or sick, it will go seeking for a type of herb. This herb, when digested, produces a type of chemical that fights and kills toxins in the porcupine's body, enabling it to heal quickly. But the left over chemicals in its body would slowly gather and form a type of stone-like substance, also known as Porcupine date.
Since each porcupine varies in its internal structure, immunity, gene structure and habitat, their body structure also varies. There are differences in its external body, body tone, size, quality and colour.
The longer a porcupine date is left in a porcupine's body, the bigger it will be in its size, medicinal value and quality. However, porcupine date does not exist inside every porcupine, even if it does exist, there will only be one piece. As such, it is very valuable.
Each porcupine date looks different. It is very challenging to determine a porcupine date's quality & amp; authenticity, and the expertise & knowledge in it is essential.
Overall, porcupine date can be divided into 3 different categories:
1. powdery - Produced from stronger porcupines. These substances have stayed in a porcupine's body for longer periods. It is highest in quality and price. It is usually reddish-brown, pink or brown in colour. Its surface is smooth and bright. It also feels harder compared to the other categories. Some of these appear to have thin layers of stripes surrounding them. It has pungent smell of Chinese herbs. It tastes bittersweet, with the dominating taste being bitter. It has the best medicinal values.
2. grassy powdery - Every porcupine's internal structure varies, the habitat in which it seeks herbs to be consumed is also different, which is how different types of porcupine date is formed. From the outside,grassy powdery are usually brown, pink or greenish-brown in colour. Its surface is rougher and has some grass & roots around it. It is hard but feels a little soft. Tastes bittersweet, and its medicinal value is somewhat like powdery but its price is cheaper.
3. grassy - Its surface is the roughest compared to the above two categories. It usually is greenish-brown in colour. It has some grassy substances around it and feels softer than the grassy powdery. It tastes bitter. Can be grind into powdered form. Although cheapest of all, it also has high medicinal values.
According to Chinese medicine records, our ancestors and some aborigines have knowledge on the medicinal values of the porcupine date. In this age, through the advancement of medicine, researches have proven that the porcupine date is valuable and effective in treatment. It has been shown to complement in the treatements below:
Used in relieving post-surgery side effects such as pain, fever and also helps in healing of the wound.
Relieves the pain & infection caused by post-chemotherapy & radiotherapy side effects, clears the toxins, and helps the immune system in recovering quickly. Controls and reduces the disease.
Can speedily reduce the heat and clears the virus. Increases platelet count to normal levels. Helps strengthens the immune system for speedy recovery.
Can relieve heatiness and clear toxins quickly. Clears the pus and disinfect. Helps streangthens the immune system for speedy recovery.
Very effective against toxins, pus and infection. Helps in blood protection, growth of muscles and relieving pain.
Also effective for skin diseases, acne, tumor, hardening of coronary vessels. For relieving wind, heartburn, gastric and other diseases.
For general healthcare, it used to prevent cancer and also suitable for working late nights & work-related stress.
As the quality of our lifestyle increases, and with people's focus on healthcare, the demand for porcupine date is fast increasing, so has its price. Unknowingly, it has become a very valuable medicine. Some rich people are even collecting it for stockpiling and maintaining its price.
Further, the most valuable for the porcupine date are procured from porcupines in the rainforest of Borneo. The porcupines here eat unpolluted herbs that have high medicinal value causing the besoars produced here to be of the rarest and highest value. The price is very high and has collection, medicinal and stockpiling value.
How do I take a porcupine date?
Child weight :0.1-0 .2 g
Adult weight :0.3-0 .4 g
Ill take three times a day; the light once a day.
Taking methods:
(A) of fasting, the first drink, then the porcupine date powder in your mouth and slowly swallow.
(B) of fasting, the first drink, the porcupine date powder poured in to add a little water inside the spoon, toothpick, stir to take.
Child weight :0.1-0 .2 g
Adult weight :0.3-0 .4 g
Ill take three times a day; the light once a day.
Taking methods:
(A) of fasting, the first drink, then the porcupine date powder in your mouth and slowly swallow.
(B) of fasting, the first drink, the porcupine date powder poured in to add a little water inside the spoon, toothpick, stir to take.
PORCUPINE DATE Porcupine Date powdery Porcupine Date grassy powdery Porcupine Date grassy Porcupine Date CANCER Relieves the pain & infection caused by post-chemotherapy & radiotherapy side effects, clears the toxins, and helps the immune system in recovering quickly. Controls and reduces the disease ,Singapore, porcupine dates
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